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Cooking With Olive Oil: 9 Facts

Posted : 21-May-2015

Olive oil brings out the flavour of foods. I love olive oil: I love the feel of it on my skin, l love the taste of it on my salads and in my cooking. It has a very distinctive aroma and taste. 

Q. Can I use Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) for all my cooking needs?

A. It is the perfect choice for all your cooking. Ask Jamie. 

Q. What is the smoking-point of EVOO?

A. The smoking point of extra virgin olive oil is somewhere between 190 and 210 degrees centigrade. This means that EVOO is perfect for frying.

Q. Is EVOO good for us?

A. Olive oil is an unsaturated fat, this means it is a healthy plant-derived fat. Use EVOO to fry those delicious hot chips and your stir-fries.

Q. Is EVOO better than virgin olive oil?

A. Yes EVOO has more nutrients and tastes delicious. It is not refined, that is, re-processed.

Q. How do I know the olive oil is extra virgin?

A. EVOO should have the aroma of olives, have a good smell before you buy. If there is a scent of spolied fruit or it is musty then something is not right with the oil.

Q. How long does EVOO stay fresh once I have opened it?

A. You can keep an unopened bottle in a cool, dark place for about a year BUT once it is exposed to the air, the clock starts ticking, SO enjoy, it doesn't get better wth age.

Q. What if I am buying EVOO from the supermarket?

A. In Australia look for the symbol below of the Austraian Olive Association Code of Practice. This is the guarantee that the oil is genuine EVOO.


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