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Did you know? Wine and Food Facts

Posted : 21-May-2015

"More Important than the food pairing is the person with whom you drink the wine" Christian Moueix

Food changes the way the wine tastes and vice versa. If you pair correctly, you may experience a taste sensation.

People are different when it comes to wine and food flavours. Some, like me, prefer my food and wine to have oomph, some, perhaps you, prefer a more subtle, light or mellow wine.

Did you know that: 

  • Red wine increases the 'heat', that is, the chillies and hot spices in spicy food, especially high alcohol reds, be warned.

  • Salt is pretty much wine friendly, it gives the wine more body and reduces acidity

  • A high sugar content in your meal will make a wine taste more bitter, SO pair this meal with a sweet wine. 

  • Oily fish dishes work well with  our Pinot Gris

  • More delicate dishes need a light tasting wine

  • You can pair our Cabernet Sauvignon with rich foods like venison, lamb and mushrooms

  • You can sip a glass of bubbly with your popcorn, try it, but don't try with chocolate cake

  • Sweet wine pairs best with Gorgonzola and other rich food flavours, try with our delicious Sweet Semillon

  • Our delicious oaky Chardonnay is a perfect match for the heavy rich flavours of a roast dinner